Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Well it's Wednesday....

I lost last week in the craze that was the end of NaNo as well as Thanksgiving preparations - sorry about that. I won't make a habit of it... Is it just me or has the hectic pace of life only increased with time? I remember thinking and hear it often from my students: "I can't wait to be an adult and get to do what I want when I want..." cue laughter, which is my usual response because seriously! In a technological society where convenience is expected, we are so busy the idea of relaxing is several levels removed from reality!

Whoops! Sorry about that rant - though I do feel marginally better - yet now to get down to business with my weekly wrap-up


I did finish NaNo coming in at just over 58K - *does a little happy dance* To celebrate?? I've given myself a little time away from writing and editing to just relax...but that is quickly coming to an end as I dive back into the editing trenches this week for STATIC - I would really love to have this ready for agents early 2016 - so that's my goal and I've made it public. We'll see how it all shakes out.


Can you believe that ETCHED will officially hit the shelves in TWO DAYS!!!!!!!! I can't! I know amazon has been shipping them early - but I'm really excited to see ETCHED out there and get some feedback from readers. For those in the area, I am working with a local artist to set up a book signing in the very near future - I'll let you know when I get more details!


Still swinging away at my to be read list so I can add more - though I am trying to get into the holiday spirit and throwing a few Christmas inspired books into the mix. One of the books I'm currently reading Dash and Lily's Book of Dares which I started not realizing the time setting of the book. I have a few others to add to my read list for this month...


As far as other things go, I feel like a bit of a broken record - lots to do - not a lot of time to get it all done... feeling a bit rundown with a crazy pace needed to keep up with everything had needs to happen. I'm looking forward to a bit of time off for the holidays and hope it will be a period of at least a little rest.

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