Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wrapping up 2015

Here it comes! 2016

.... whether we're ready to not!

The holidays are crazy! A great time to gather ideas for new character, but maybe not the best time to write about them... so in the moments of quiet that I find (few and far between), I'm taking a look back at 2015 and a look towards 2016.

Besides passing too quickly, with each year speeding away even more quickly, I look back without regret. Like life, there were ups and downs... but overall, more laughter than tears.

And as I look forward, I march into 2016 with several goals - things that I don't necessarily "resolve" to do... but strive to continue doing...

  • to keep writing, brainstorming, drafting, editing - and dreaming
  • to continue working towards a healthier me with good food & consistent workouts
  • to find time for the little things before they are only memories of what could have been
What are your goals or resolutions?
See you on the other side!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What's Up Week in Review...

We're back to Wednesday so I think it's a little time for an update... 

  • I've gotten back into edits for STATIC - altering from feedback with one critique partner and swapping pages with another. I'm liking where this one is heading, and hope to clean it up by the spring for queries.
  • I'm playing around with the idea of a companion to ETCHED... there's more that needs to be told - I may have to break my November only rule (well - it's been the only time in the last few years that I have drafted) and set some of those ideas down soon....
  • Etched in Lies is officially out there and I still can't quite believe it... does this ever feel real? Part of me hopes it does... part of me hopes it doesn't.
  • It's still not to late to get your copy in time for the holidays.... (hint hint) Check out the Etched tab at the top for links to retailers from around the world
  • Knocking out a few books before the end of the year - though my to read list keeps going... I'm almost afraid to finish reading my current books because I'm not sure which ones I should read next...
  • You can feel the buzz in the air as the holidays approach - it doesn't matter that it's warm and raining...well, maybe for the atmosphere - but around school you know everyone is counting down to a longer break from everything...on both sides of the desk.
  • Hoping to make some cookies soon - that might help build a little of Christmas cheer since Mother Nature is having a hissy fit.
Chat again soon!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Countdown to ETCHED: #1

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!

1. The Most Common Lie

I can't believe we've made it to number one! And that means.... #eeeep! Tomorrow ETCHED hits the shelves! I hope you'll be able to see the influence of some of the countdown in ETCHED.... but let's finish this first.

I tried to save the best for last...

In all my research and review of lies, there was one that had ended up in or at the top of tons of lists, and it's one that I'm sure we've all said at one point or another... one that can be innocent enough - except that it really  isn't, because it usually requires a lie not only to whomever you are talking, but in some cases, also to yourself....

So what's the most common lie?

I'm fine.

Something to think about... Thanks for joining me for this count down.

Chat soon!

2. The Quote that inspired ETCHED (See 12/9/15)

3. Children.... (See 12/8/15)

4. Lies we tell ourselves (See 12/7/15)

5. And now for the lies Girls tell Guys (See 12/6/15)

6. Lies Guys Tell... (See 12/5/15)

7. Well known Quotes about Lying (See 12/4/15)

8. Lies Girls tell Girls (See 12/3/15 Post)

9. Employee/Employer Lies (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Well it's Wednesday....

I lost last week in the craze that was the end of NaNo as well as Thanksgiving preparations - sorry about that. I won't make a habit of it... Is it just me or has the hectic pace of life only increased with time? I remember thinking and hear it often from my students: "I can't wait to be an adult and get to do what I want when I want..." cue laughter, which is my usual response because seriously! In a technological society where convenience is expected, we are so busy the idea of relaxing is several levels removed from reality!

Whoops! Sorry about that rant - though I do feel marginally better - yet now to get down to business with my weekly wrap-up


I did finish NaNo coming in at just over 58K - *does a little happy dance* To celebrate?? I've given myself a little time away from writing and editing to just relax...but that is quickly coming to an end as I dive back into the editing trenches this week for STATIC - I would really love to have this ready for agents early 2016 - so that's my goal and I've made it public. We'll see how it all shakes out.


Can you believe that ETCHED will officially hit the shelves in TWO DAYS!!!!!!!! I can't! I know amazon has been shipping them early - but I'm really excited to see ETCHED out there and get some feedback from readers. For those in the area, I am working with a local artist to set up a book signing in the very near future - I'll let you know when I get more details!


Still swinging away at my to be read list so I can add more - though I am trying to get into the holiday spirit and throwing a few Christmas inspired books into the mix. One of the books I'm currently reading Dash and Lily's Book of Dares which I started not realizing the time setting of the book. I have a few others to add to my read list for this month...


As far as other things go, I feel like a bit of a broken record - lots to do - not a lot of time to get it all done... feeling a bit rundown with a crazy pace needed to keep up with everything had needs to happen. I'm looking forward to a bit of time off for the holidays and hope it will be a period of at least a little rest.

Counting down to ETCHED.... #2

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


2. The Quote that inspired ETCHED

Several of the stories I have written have been inspired by a quote. The first was a line from TS Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"... ETCHED proved no different. It was harmless enough - I was just skimming through Facebook - I wasn't even looking for it (probably why I found it), when a quote caught my eye and the rest, as they say, was history... so thanks for posting it!

"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."  Bob Marley

I hope as you read ETCHED, you can see the inspiration in the final version of the story... Have you used a quote to guide your story?

Tomorrow - we'll wrap up this top 10 with the most common lie told.... check back then!

3. Children....

4. Lies we tell ourselves (See 12/7/15)

5. And now for the lies Girls tell Guys (See 12/6/15)

6. Lies Guys Tell... (See 12/5/15)

7. Well known Quotes about Lying (See 12/4/15)

8. Lies Girls tell Girls (See 12/3/15 Post)

9. Employee/Employer Lies (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED - #3

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


3. Children....

"I didn't do it."
"I don't know how that happened."
"It wasn't me."
"It wasn't my fault."

We've all been either (and/or both) on the receiving or telling end of these common childhood lies... but they don't really fade away... and here's the thing - children learn by modeling - so they see us lie and continue the cycle - sad, huh?

What? You don't lie to your child(ren)?

Easter Bunny.
This will hurt me more then it will hurt you.
If you keep making that face, it will stay like that.
Maybe tomorrow... (in response to a request)

4. Lies we tell ourselves (See 12/7/15)

5. And now for the lies Girls tell Guys (See 12/6/15)

6. Lies Guys Tell... (See 12/5/15)

7. Well known Quotes about Lying (See 12/4/15)

8. Lies Girls tell Girls (See 12/3/15 Post)

9. Employee/Employer Lies (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED: #4

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


4. Lies we tell ourselves 

It's bad enough we lie to others, but we can't even handle the truth in our own minds - something Dylan had to come to terms with in the story... so, here are a few of the most common ones - for both guys and girls - Lies are equal opportunity....

  • If only I had (fill in blank), I'd be happy.
  • If I ignore it, it will go away.
  • My life is so much harder/ worse/ more problematic then everyone else's.
  • I don't have a choice.
  • I'll do it tomorrow.
So be honest with yourself - how many of these 5 have you thought at one point or another? Something to ponder....

5. And now for the lies Girls tell Guys (See 12/6/15)

6. Lies Guys Tell... (See 12/5/15)

7. Well known Quotes about Lying (See 12/4/15)

8. Lies Girls tell Girls (See 12/3/15 Post)

9. Employee/Employer Lies (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED - #5

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


5. And now for the lies Girls tell Guys:

Time for the ladies to share since the guys have already put their cards on the table - so to speak. It was interesting as I researched that these lies had a different feel - for the most part - then the ones the guys tell...

So a few of the top lies girls tell:
  • I'm not hungry.
  • This outfit? I just threw it on.
  • I don't know.
  • I'm almost ready.
  • He's just a friend.
Food for thought....

6. Lies Guys Tell... (See 12/5/15)

7. Well known Quotes about Lying (See 12/4/15)

8. Lies Girls tell Girls (See 12/3/15 Post)

9. Employee/Employer Lies (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED - #6

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


6. Lies Guys Tell...

It's one of the most discussed topics in magazines, and yet, these lies still exist...
So, here are some of my "favorites":

  • I'll call you.
  • I've never told anyone this before...
  • I like your friends.
  • I won't tell anyone...
  • I'm on my way.
  • (comment ended with).... Honestly I do!
  • It'll never happen again....
Uh huh... but then again, ladies, we aren't much better - you'll see what I mean if you check back tomorrow. 

7. Well known Quotes about Lying (See 12/4/15)

8. Lies Girls tell Girls (See 12/3/15 Post)

9. Employee/Employer Lies (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED.... #7

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


7. Well known Quotes about Lying

It was a quote that drove the original concept for ETCHED... so today I'll share a few of the other quotes I found along the way. Want to know what quote drove ETCHED? Check back in later...

Mark Twain
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
― Mark Twain

Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”
― Fyodor DostoyevskyThe Brothers Karamazov
S.E. Hinton
“I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.”
― S.E. HintonThe Outsiders

Virginia Woolf
“If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.”
― Virginia Woolf

A.S. King“Isn't it funny how we live inside the lies we believe?”
― A.S. KingPlease Ignore Vera Dietz

8. Lies Girls tell Girls (See 12/3/15 Post)

9. Employee/Employer Lies (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED - #8

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


8. Lies Girls tell other Girls...

It was interesting researching this topic - as there is LOTS out there about the lies we tell to the opposite sex...and vice versa, but apparently (coughs) girls don't lie to other girls...NOT! Here are a few I've heard in my life as a teacher:

  • No, I don't like him like that. or We're just friends.
  • That outfit is really cute. or You look like you've lost weight.
  • I'll call you later.
Each of these would be simple enough, and in some cases are being stated sincerely, but chances are the idea is just filler and the usual eye roll or muttered curse that follows is a pretty good indication of that...

9. Well known Quotes about Lying (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED - #9

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


9. Employer/Employee Lies

Some people have gotten creative in their lies as they call off work, or show up late. On The Hiring Site, one of the most ridiculous reasons was recorded as being: "I got sick from reading too much..." IS that even possible?

However this person, with a creative lie, should be "I got lost and drove to another state."

Sadly, we all know someone who may not be lying when they say that....

And let us know forget that horrible "doctor's appointment" which I feel is still the most tried and true employee lie.

And recorded as being the most common Employer lie: "There are always advancement opportunities..."

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED: #10

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


10. Greatest Lies In History 

In my head there is totally an announcer's voice and cool echoing effect as each number is read... but that is completely beside the point... Here are some of the greatest lies ever told and/or are still discussed:
  • The Trojan Horse
  • Watergate
  • The "Unsinkable" Titanic
  • Ponzi Schemes