Saturday, March 8, 2014

#YAbootcamp Goals!!!!

I said drop and give me 2000 words!!

My wonderful and always wise critique partner advised that I should give this a try, and I whole heartedly agree. I like goals. I'm laughing as I write that because it sounds almost comical to say, but it's the truth, and to have my accountability out there for everyone to see... while the idea is startling and definitely intimidating, I believe it will be beneficial for me!

So! My goals are actually quite easily stated:

1. I want to edit and revise my Nano2012 novel into a working semi polished complete draft.

Right now, there are some major plot holes that I'm very aware of, but too afraid to approach for fear of falling in, and it has all the natural and expected errors of a first draft written in less than a month.

2. I want to give Nano2012 an actual working title, which has to this point eluded me.

I have a third writerly goal that I believe is as equally important as the above mentioned even if it doesn't directly reflect my own writing:

3. To work with and help my critique partner refine and hone all her awesomeness so she can start the query process.
*takes a deep breath*  *hits publish*


  1. Thanks for joining our Spring Writing Challenge, Andrea! I love that you included helping your CP - how awesome is that?! Best of luck with your goals. I'll be cheering you on! :)

  2. First thing I have to say..... You are THE MOST AWESOME CP AND I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE ON MY BOOTCAMP TEAM!!!!!!

    Okay, sorry for all the shouting, but you are amazing and I am so, so, so glad that I met you!!

    And hello goal #3! That just proves your awesomeness further. I can't thank you enough for everything you've already done. Thanking you in the future might require skywriting in SPACE (just sayin')

    Big, big love. (Space Skywriting Style) <3

    1. Thanks Kris <3 - just stating the truth. These are my goals... so let's rock this.
