Sunday, August 12, 2012

I wasn't ready....are you?

   This, about sums up my current state of being....
but that is a good thing! (I swear!)

So after months of read, revising, editing, rounds of emails with my super fabulous critique partner, a few trusted friend readers, I was feel just pretty good about posting materials for this year's Writeoncon.

 And why shouldn't I? I've worked diligently over the last few months to polish my MS and make it agent ready....

And then I hit the forums, and all I can think is:

NOW why the Hell didn't I see that??

Yup. I had a totally head slap moment. Actually, I've had a few of them in the past few hours. *pops open the Advil and takes a few more from all the head slapping fun* And you know what? I am so glad!!

I am not channeling one of those athletes who wanted and were expected to get gold and are "happy" with silver.

I am channeling all those writers who sent things out thinking they were READY only to get no bites. I am channeling all those writers who a week after sending out queries spotted that one mistake (yes, I've done that too). I am channeling all those who thought they were ready but took a step back and waited just a little longer....

Did I want to wait? Does any one want to wait? No! I was ready and willing to send out last week...but I didn't, and it had nothing to do with the state of my manuscript. I didn't think I had my agents in a row yet. I thought everything else was as closed to prepped as an agent-less query could be.

But now? I'll gladly take that step back, and force myself to breathe just a little slower and look even more closely at what I'm sending.

It sort of hurts. I really REALLY thought I was there... but I know I'm not. My query may be there, but based on comments, maybe my manuscript deserves another round of edits and tightening...and don't I deserve it to myself AND my story to make it as polished as possible?

Yes. So I'm turning that "D'oh!" into a learning experience that reminds me there is a positive in patience....even if I have trouble seeing it. :)

Happy Writing!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh so HARD! Because you know I am right there with you, and I'm trying to turn my "D'oh!" into a learning experience too. :)
