Monday, January 18, 2016

Well that didn't work - but I'm still here

I knew - even as I was starting to post that Wednesdays were not going to play nice for long.... the middle of the week is always packed with writer and non-writer activities.

So I'm going to keep trying - probably to include updates over the weekends when there is a little more down time... does anyone even have down time anymore and if so - HOW!??

Now where were we?

  • I'm playing with STATIC - need to find a bit of time to work some edits on that this week. I know I have changes to make in the beginning, but I want to get through before I go back.. I'm sort of obsessive like that
  • Also working with an awesome CP, which is keeping me on track. Thank you!!! <3
  • There are two conferences I am looking at attending this year (at least two) - one looks very doable with the timeline and schedule - I'm just waiting for a bit more information about the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Conference. The other (Philadelphia Writers Conference), which I have wanted to go to for EVER is right over graduation weekend and I want to be there. I'm still trying to figure if there is a way I can be in two places at once.
  • Etched in Lies is officially out there and I still can't quite believe it... does this ever feel real? (Yes, I already shared this.... some things don't change) - A few reviews have come in - I'm honored that some have taken the time to tell everyone what they thought... have you read it yet?
  • Getting closer to announcing some book signings and maybe a reading in a few places.
  • And I'm reading Goodreads for some questions - hit me with it!
  • I'm sad to say that I'm still working on the book I started before Christmas... STILL. I love it, but haven't had one of those days where I can just sit and read ad nauseaum (like THAT will ever happen) - I hope to finish it soon. I already filled my kindle with lots of books I can't wait to read.
  • Hoping to get a bit more reading done now that I'm getting back on the treadmill to read... multitasking is my specialty - okay - so reading while I walk on the treadmill is my multitasking superpower - wish I had another.
  • I'm still PiYOing and can feel results happening - more flexibility and strength - now I just have to get the diet into alignment (coughs - looks around...)
  • I'm neck deep teaching Shakespeare as I always am in January and I love it...
  • And trying to find time for everything else I want and/or need to do - like the laundry... so I have to call it for this week with promises of more again in the near future.

Until then....

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