Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Counting down to ETCHED.... #2

In ETCHED IN LIES, 16-year-old Dylan Lord has just discovered she can physically feel the lies told to or around her... she struggles to come to terms with a world and an existence in which she must seek for the truth at all costs.

As I prepared and wrote this story, I had to do some research about lies.

To celebrate ETCHED's release on December 11, 2015, I am counting down to one with some of the fun fact and interesting ideas I stumbled upon in the name of writing... as well as a tidbit or two about how I came up with the idea....

Happy Reading!


2. The Quote that inspired ETCHED

Several of the stories I have written have been inspired by a quote. The first was a line from TS Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"... ETCHED proved no different. It was harmless enough - I was just skimming through Facebook - I wasn't even looking for it (probably why I found it), when a quote caught my eye and the rest, as they say, was history... so thanks for posting it!

"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."  Bob Marley

I hope as you read ETCHED, you can see the inspiration in the final version of the story... Have you used a quote to guide your story?

Tomorrow - we'll wrap up this top 10 with the most common lie told.... check back then!

3. Children....

4. Lies we tell ourselves (See 12/7/15)

5. And now for the lies Girls tell Guys (See 12/6/15)

6. Lies Guys Tell... (See 12/5/15)

7. Well known Quotes about Lying (See 12/4/15)

8. Lies Girls tell Girls (See 12/3/15 Post)

9. Employee/Employer Lies (See 12/2/15 Post)

10. Greatest Lies In History (See 12/1/15 Post)

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