Friday, February 24, 2012


Jump in the water's fine!


Editing waters are anything but fine, and as I doggie paddle through my second WIP, I can say that with time and experience, if anything, they have become more turbulent, and I know why.

That first WIP - there's the thrill of finishing it (at least for me) - it took me many years to get THAT idea. You know the one - where angels sang, and the lights went out, and your favorite song played on the radio 24 hours a day just to keep you inspired... yeah that one. And I remember finishing that one and feeling so proud of myself.

I also remember the editing process for that one. My fine toothed comb was not so finely toothed - I'll blame the dog for chewing on it - but I also must blame myself. I didn't know any better.

Here's the bottom line - editing a story - not even in the same geographic location as editing a paper - something as a teacher and student I had done thousands of times.

I thought, as I am sure many others have, that I was brilliant. Every word was beautifully placed and paced throughout... oh I was so out of my league.

Long story just a tad shorter - two years after I finished the first did I finally realize the editing process: you need more than a fine toothed comb.

You need a critical eye and the ability to ask, "Really?"
You need a sharp instinct and the ability to slash your way through page after page
You need a quick mind as you evaluate characters - do they really need to be there? do they really have to do that?

If you can't answer yes - hell yes - oh em ef ge are you kidding me yes...then it's time to cut that too.

Flash forward to Nanowrimo 2011 - then now a few months later as I wade through WIP#2...

the editing waters are not fine - but if you have a life preserver you can make it through them. I'm living proof - paper cuts, ink stains and doubts as living proof.

Here's my advice: take the time to cut your baby book apart. In the end, it will be stronger.

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