Tuesday, October 27, 2015

NaNo Prep Ideas

This year will be the fifth time I will NaNo.
I can't believe it's been that many already!
man I feel old

Over the years, there have been a few (only a few....haha) things that I have learned about writing. As time grows closer to that mad rush to 50K and beyond, I want to take a moment to share a few that have helped me over the past few years:

  1. Get pictures - rummage through Pinterest or the internet until you find a picture that accurately embodies your characters and/or someone who could become a character later. I print them and glue them into my novel notebook so I don't have to search again later.
  2. Get pictures of places my characters will go
  3. talk to people. Are you sending your character some place that you've never been? Find out everything you can about it so the setting feels authentic
  4. Have an idea - but only an idea. I'd like to consider myself a hybrid - not quite a plotser and not fully a pantser. This year, I know where I'm starting, and I know where i'd like to end - I have the last sentence in mind - but I'm not sure which of my main characters will get the honors yet - and maybe someone will shift by then
  5. Write with a notebook open - once November 1 hits, the only thing that will be left on my desk - besides my laptop...and a large cup of tea - will be an open notebook and a writing utensil or two. As I write, I take note of where my characters are taking me and/or phrases/ideas that I may want to use later so I don't forget them. - I also use the notebook to track who my characters are turning into

Are you NaNoing? What tricks do you have to conquer November?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Rebooting Life

This blog has sat dormant for way too long... sorry about that. Real life and the real world got in the way - as did, in some cases, my writer life.

So what's happened in the last year? Why I'm glad you asked!

I am happy to report that we are T-minus two months until the launch of my first novel! Can you believe it! Giveaways and fun stuff are coming

ETCHED IN LIES was my first NaNoWriMo project, and I'm am so excited to see it out there... and a little terrified if we're being honest. So it's pretty cool that it's launch comes on the heels of this year's NaNo...

In addition, I've been editing another, and prepping NaNo for a third... and then there's the family, and the teaching, and everything else that likes to get in the way.

There is not enough time to accomplish everything, and I have learned - am learning - that fast may not always be the best way. Some times it's okay to slow down and take a little longer to edit, or work on a project before hitting that submit button.

So that's what I've been trying to do.

Slow. Down.

It's not working....